Arrival and departure times of ships
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06 June :
- Canopy: 17:45
07 June :
- Hydrograaf: 21:15
- Crocus : 18:45
- Lobelia : 18:45
- Flamingo : 18.45
- Statsraad Lehmkhul : 21:15 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge: 21:00
- Atyla : 18:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge: 05:50 (night from 7 to 8)
- Ring Andersen : 18:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 04:40 (night from 7 to 8)
- Marité : 18:15 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 04:45 (night from 7 to 8)
- Etoile du Roy : 18:15 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 04:35 (night from 7 to 8)
- Thalassa : 18:15 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 05:55 (night from 7 to 8)
- Shtandart : 17:30
- El Galeon : 17:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 02:00 (night from 7 to 8)
- Nao Victoria: 20:15 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge: 03:15 (night of 7 to 8)
- Vera Cruz : 17H30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 03:20 (night from 7 to 8)
- Charles Marie : 17:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 02:05 (night from 7 to 8)
- Tante Fine : 17:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 02:10 (night from 7 to 8)
- Bel Espoir II : 17:30
- Santa Maria Manuela : 05:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 05:25 (night from 7 to 8)
08 June :
- Etoile : 21:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 21:30
- Intrépide : 21:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 21:30
- Cuauhtemoc : 21:45 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 21:05
- Nebuleuse : 21:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 21:30
- Dar Mlodziezy : 19:00
- Etoile Molène : 21:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 21:30
- Recouvrance : 19:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 05:55 (night of 8 to 9)
- Pascual Flores: 19:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge: 04:35 (night of 8 to 9)
- Renard : 21:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 21:30
- Morgenster: 19:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge: 05:45 (night of 8 to 9)
- JR Tolkien : 19:45 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge : 04:35 (night of 8 to 9)
- Capitan Miranda: 17:45
- Le Français: 19:30 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge: 03:15 (night of 8 to 9)
- Atlantis: 20:30
- Urania: 18:15
- Joanna Saturna: 21:15 - Time of passage under the Flaubert Bridge: 21:00
09 June :
- Belem: 20:15
12 June :
- Bima Suci: 19:00
13 June :
- Mutin: 13:00
- Belle-Poule: 13:00
- Fremm Normandie: 13:00
Departure of the ships

11 June :
- Crocus
- Lobelia
- Urania
12 June :
- Canopy
June 13th
- Atlantis
18 June :
- Atyla
- Belem
- Bel-Espoir II
- Belle-Poule
- Bima Suci
- Capitan Miranda
- Charles-Marie
- Cuauthémoc
- Dar Mlodzelzy
- El Galeon
- Etoile
- Etoile du Roy
- Etoile Molène
- Flamingo
- Hydrograaf
- Joanna Saturna
- Jacques Oudart Fourmentin
- JR Tolkien
- The Unicorn
- La Nébuleuse
- La Recouvrance
- Le Français
- Le Renard
- Libertalia
- Marité
- Morgenster
- Mutin
- Nao Victoria
- Normandie
- Pascual Flores
- The Intrepid
- Ring Andersen
- Santa Maria Manuela
- Shtandart
- Statsraad Lehmkhul
- Aunt Fine
- Thalassa
- Vera Cruz